Dating with herpes

I have had antibodies for herpes for over 20 years, but only recently had my first outbreak.

I was exposed to it by my husband who has herpes. I found out I had antibodies  when I was pregnant with our first child 20 years ago.  I was tested because of my husband being positive, as it can be very dangerous for a baby during childbirth, if the mother is having an outbreak.  At the time I had no idea what this really meant.  I now have learned that this meant I was exposed to the virus, even though I never had any symptoms.  I believe this must be quite common.  Many more people must have herpes and don’t know it because they don’t have symptoms.  I only had an outbreak recently after becoming chronically ill and my immune system was not functioning.  I was shocked, because I did not have sex for 2 years before the outbreak occurred.  I wasn’t even sure what it was, so I went to my OB right away and had a positive culture for Type 2 herpes.

Now that I have recovered my health and my divorce is pending, I am starting to realize what this means as far as herpes dating.  I would not want to pass it on to anyone else, so it will limit my dating pool to others who have herpes too.  Since at least 1 in 4 have herpes, it may not be too drastic, but it will be a bit awkward!

I have been able to control outbreaks by eliminating sugar from my diet.  I also used coconut oil and oregano oil directly on the blister, never taking prescription medication.  It worked really well. is a fantastic way to be able to expand your love life easily now.
