How To Handle Dating When You Have Herpes

Be positive and brave. I got herpes 6 months ago. I was so sad and anxiety about this. And I felt be cheated. Because my bf, I only had him in my sex life. I cried three days and shouted to him. We broke up at last. I felt so sad and all the things in my life changed. I moved to a new place. No social life, no friends, I was like a monster and couldn't face my parents.

Luckily, I found in the internet. At first, I just wanna have a try and see something outside. But it gave me a surprise. There is no discrimination and members here are polite and friendly. We shared experience and minds. It just like a thirsty traveler in the desert found an oasis! Something lost in my life have come to me again. I could go outside and take treatment more positively. I knew the past life couldn't be changed. The only thing I can do is to forget the bad thing and begin a new life. For other people living with an STD just like me, I want to say " It's actually not the end of the world. Be positive to take treatment.
Wish you all of the best and thanks for again
